king 🜲

an alter in a DID system

15 years old

༄ he/him/his
༄ they/them/theirs
༄ gol/gold/golds

talk to me about ;
animals in general
wine glasses
fancy clothes
my partner

simply plural ; Fox-Sys

(click here)

honeybee ♥︎


i am absolutely, without a doubt, in love with sun. they’re the best person i’ve ever met in this whole entire world and i couldn’t be more grateful. sun makes me happy to be around, reminds me that things are going to be okay. there aren’t enough words in any language to express how much i love them, or how incredibly happy shine makes me. i didn’t think it would be possible for me to be so happy, but they make it happen. i would do anything for them. my honeybee, my sunshine, my darling, my sweetpea, my sunflower, my love. i wish i could try to express how much sun means to me but i could talk for hours and it would barely even scratch the surface. i love them so much.

(go back)